What Is Iris Insight?

Iris Insight is a powerful tool which can be used alongside Kashflow Software to provide a performance monitoring, forecasting and what if modelling solution which uses your data within Kashflow along with additional parameters set by the user or in collaboration with their accountants or if you prefer we can do the management accounting/forecasting whilst you retain your current advisors for tax and year end work.

Iris Insight Dashboard

Dashboard showing Key Performance Indicators

The Iris Insight Dashboard provides the business user with a quick and easy overview of the current financial performance. It is laid out in a simple clear way allowing business and its advisors to spot risks before they become major issues.

The dashboard can be customised so that a clear focus is maintained only on the relevant indicators that matter.

Iris Insight Cashflow Forecasts

Cash flow forecasts produced monthly, weekly or daily.

Within Iris Insight are colour coded graphs and a drill down capability to help you understand instantly what your shortterm and longer term cashflow position is.

From an analysis of this information the business user can easily identify risks and take actions to address them quickly.

The table view allows the user to drill down on figures providing complete clarity with regards to the basis of the calculations

The ability to make informed decisions – Iris insight powerful ‘what-if’ modelling feature.

This powerful tool provides the user with a number of ‘what-if’ scenarios to enable the business to analyse the impact of various changes that could be made. If customers take longer to pay, revenues are increasing, costs are increasing or potential new products/services could be provided. Whatever the scenario the what if tool helps to see the impact these changes could make on the business and allow to plan accordingly.

  • Aids decision making in line with business objectives
  • Provides information on cash flow impact of changing business conditions………almost instantaneously.
  • Allows user to add/edit multiple business scenarios quickly.
Iris insight what if screenshots
Finacial forecasts

Save time producing financial forecasts

Iris Insight provides the ability to produce fully integrated profit and loss, balance sheet and cashflow forecasts with the minimum of effort.


  • Reports are customisable to meet the needs of the industry or business sector
  • Insight handles all main vat schemes
  • Enables PAYE ans VAT payments to be integrated into forecasts

Track Business performance

Using Iris Insight the user can create financial forecasts easily and quickly, importing historical data from the accounting system.

  • Import data from Kashflow or Xero
  • Compare the actual performance against the forecast produced and monitor variances.
  • Focus on the main variances to address any problems
  • Multiple forecasts can be supported
  • Use data and variance analysis to produce management accounting reports and robust projections for the year.
Track Performance